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Tornum has acquired all shares in Silos Metálicos Zaragoza S.L.U. (SIMEZA), a manufacturing company with a focus on storage in the grain industry. The acquisition is an additional acquisition for the Tornum Group platform, which is part of the Industrial business area. SIMEZA had a turnover of 13.4 M€ (approximately 142 million SEK) in the latest fiscal year with good profitability. 
As part of the Tornum Group, SIMEZA gains access to a larger sales network, and Tornum gains access to a broader product range that can strengthen future business where customers seek a system and comprehensive supplier. 
– We are very pleased to welcome SIMEZA to the Tornum Group. SIMEZA is a well-managed company with a leading market position that opens up new opportunities. The acquisition fits well into Tornum Group's strategy for continued international growth and will contribute to an even stronger position as a system and comprehensive supplier in the European and international agricultural markets. The acquisition of SIMEZA is a result of our continuous work to identify potential acquisition candidates that can strengthen operations, both in Sweden and internationally," says Nicklas Margård, CEO of Tornum Group. 

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